RollerForks attachment
RollerForks attachment for palletless handling
RollerForks attachment handle the Slip Sheets
Rollerforks are a specialised attachment that can be used to load and unload containers/trucks, and can be mounted onto all existing forklift trucks. The forks have a specially developed system of rollers, which are set up into two coordinated layers – the upper rollers rotating at the same speed as, but in the opposite direction to, the lower rollers.
The basic principle of RollerForks
1) The lower rollers are in contact with the floor, and when they make a forward movement (blue arrow), the upper rollers start moving as well, and the goods keep moving up (red arrow). The RollerForks make two movements at the same time.
2) When the RollerForks are lifted off the floor, the rollers automatically drop down (red arrow) and the goods are stabilised on the carrying part of the forks.